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Cali O (Calvin Orosa), is a young dude that I’m currently producing under the GrooveIP label. Click here, to hear the music in production.

Click on the below image link to read a bit more about the work in progress.


With the family away for Christmas 😦 one of the things I gotten to do is goof off a bit… (Been a long time since I’ve been able to do that). These days it seems, goofin’ off includes YouTube. Just looking up Acoustic Guitar on YouTube brought me to this beautiful dude… Well the dude himself is not exactly Jennifer Hawkins, but listen to his guitar playing. Enjoy.

Music Producer’s forum Banner

I’m pleased to be launching the Music Producer’s Forum to create a community of people who also produce, write, record and perform music.

The first meeting will be held on the 4th of December at the Artichoke Cafe in Manly. There are already nearly 20 people who have RSVP’ed for the meeting. We’ll also have an open mic style show, but I will also introduce and interview the artists/producers.

Future meetings will include studio tours, and the best guest speakers I can manage to get to come along.

For more information on the next meeting and to RSVP click here

To visit the Music Producer’s forum website click here (Currently building, please excuse the mess)